Description | Repackaged but need cataloguing and digitising. Some of the glass negatives are in poor condition, advice needed on digitisation. 61 Glass negatives, some in original envelopes with descriptions. One card reading clearance houses; St Andrew's Jazz Band possibly relating to some of the glass negatives. Bundle of 35mm negatives in envelopes, most have descriptions included. Handwritten list of descriptions. 1 small photo album 7x5" inscription reads Q.U.A.P.C. 1947 Life President Counc. H.R.T. Ashworth, includes 5 sepia photographs of a group of men in suits some stood outside a pub named 'Higher Buck Inn' 6 colour 6x4" photographs Peel Mill taken in 1997 1 sepia 6.5x5" photograph of compass points, badly faded 2 loose larger format negatives |