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Collapse RHS - Ramsbottom Heritage SocietyRHS - Ramsbottom Heritage Society
Expand 1 - RHS Papers1 - RHS Papers
Collapse 2 - Industry2 - Industry
Collapse 1 - Mills1 - Mills
Expand 1 - Barwood Mill, Barwood Lea, Ramsbottom1 - Barwood Mill, Barwood Lea, Ramsbottom
Expand 2 - Burrs Mill, Bury2 - Burrs Mill, Bury
Expand 3 - Chatterton Mill, Chatterton.3 - Chatterton Mill, Chatterton.
Expand 4 - Field Mill, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom4 - Field Mill, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom
Expand 5 - Hepburn & Co Limited, Ramsbottom5 - Hepburn & Co Limited, Ramsbottom
Expand 6 - Holcombe Brook Mill, Holcombe Brook, Ramsbottom.6 - Holcombe Brook Mill, Holcombe Brook, Ramsbottom.
Expand 7 - Irwell Bridge Mill, Stead Street, Ramsbottom7 - Irwell Bridge Mill, Stead Street, Ramsbottom
Expand 8 - Mount Pleasant Mill, Nangreaves, Bury8 - Mount Pleasant Mill, Nangreaves, Bury
Expand 9 - Peel Mill, Ramsbottom9 - Peel Mill, Ramsbottom
Expand 10 - Ramsbottom Paper Mill, Peel Bridge, Ramsbottom.10 - Ramsbottom Paper Mill, Peel Bridge, Ramsbottom.
Expand 11 - Rigg Brothers Limited, Bleaklow Mill, Hawkshaw, Bury.11 - Rigg Brothers Limited, Bleaklow Mill, Hawkshaw, Bury.
Expand 12 - Rosebank Printworks Bolton Road North, Stubbins.12 - Rosebank Printworks Bolton Road North, Stubbins.
Expand 13 - Shuttleworth Mills, Shuttleworth13 - Shuttleworth Mills, Shuttleworth
Expand 14 - Square Mill, Railway Street, Ramsbottom14 - Square Mill, Railway Street, Ramsbottom
Expand 15 - Stubbins Paper Mill, Stubbins Lane, Stubbins.15 - Stubbins Paper Mill, Stubbins Lane, Stubbins.
Collapse 16 - Stubbins Vale Mill, Stubbins16 - Stubbins Vale Mill, Stubbins
1 - Brief History Voith Fabrics
2 - Fragment of postcard, company stationery. Relates to Porritt Bros. and Austin Ltd.
3 - Journal cutting describing history of Porritt family business at various mills.
4 - Large handwritten sheet entitled 'Outline History of Stubbins Vale Mill'
5 - Scapa Forming: 'A Brief History From 1825-1897. Stubbins Vale Mills'
6 - Page from unidentified Trade Directory. Advertisement for Porritt, Brother & Austin.
7 - Corporate brochure from Porritts & Spencer Limited showing worldwide sales force and pictorial details of mills belonging to company
8 - Picture of woollen felt weaving and rewinding at Stubbins Vale
9 - Selection of Unaform Forming Fabric samples produced by Scapa Group Company
10 - Unaform Forming Fabrics product range information sheet
11 - A brief history of Unaform Limited
12 - Internal newsletters produced by Unaform
13 - Picture cut from book showing Tampella paper-making machine.
14 - Picture cut from book showing Standard type of machine.
15 - Information sheet relating to Unapak packing method for Unaform Forming Fabrics
16 - Description of services provided by Unaform Technical Services Department
17 - Promotional sheet for the Unaform company
18 - Packing labels for Unaform forming fabric
19 - Corporate brochure for Unaform
20 - Aerial photograph of Stubbins Vale Mill
21 - Group picture of 'winding room operatives, cotton side'.
22 - Information relating to Unaform division of Scapa Group Plc produced for exhibition.
23 - Product range for Voith Fabrics
24 - Information relating to Voith Fabrics Stubbins Limited activities in the local community
25 - Book entitled 'Voith the history', giving detailed history of the family and business
26 - Booklet entitled 'Voith: figures, data, facts 1999-2000'
27 - Souvenir collection of photographs commemorating dedication of Memorial garden at Stubbins Vale Mills on 09 Nov 1997.
28 - Newspaper extract relating to dissolution of partnership between Richard Millitt Porritt, John Austin Porritt and Austin Townsend Porritt of Stubbins Vale
29 - Photograph of wall at Stubbins Vale Mill with name and date stone of 1851
30 - Drawing and information relating to Stubbins Vale Mill
Expand 17 - Summerseat Mills, Summerseat.17 - Summerseat Mills, Summerseat.
Expand 18 - Railway Mill, Railway Street, Ramsbottom18 - Railway Mill, Railway Street, Ramsbottom
Expand 19 - Sunny Bank Mill, Helmshore19 - Sunny Bank Mill, Helmshore
Expand 20 - Orchard Mill, Ramsbottom20 - Orchard Mill, Ramsbottom
Expand 21 - Hope Mill, Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom21 - Hope Mill, Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom
22 - Crow Mill Ledger - Estate of Gabriel Lund
Expand 2 - Bleachworks2 - Bleachworks
Expand 3 - Chemical Works3 - Chemical Works
Expand 4 - Stone Quarries4 - Stone Quarries
Expand 5 - Saw Mills5 - Saw Mills
Expand 6 - Engineering Works6 - Engineering Works
Expand 7 - Soap Making7 - Soap Making
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous Industry8 - Miscellaneous Industry
Expand 3 - Shops, Restaurants and Hotels3 - Shops, Restaurants and Hotels
Expand 4 - Finance and Trade4 - Finance and Trade
Expand 5 - Education5 - Education
Expand 6 - Religion6 - Religion
Expand 7 - Government and Politics7 - Government and Politics
Expand 8 - History8 - History
Expand 9 - People and Family9 - People and Family
Expand 10 - Oral History10 - Oral History
Expand 11 - Health and Welfare11 - Health and Welfare
Expand 12 - Customs and Traditions12 - Customs and Traditions
Expand 13 - Community Organisations13 - Community Organisations
Expand 14 - Leisure14 - Leisure
Expand 15 - War15 - War
Expand 16 - Transport16 - Transport
Expand 17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment
Expand 18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment
Expand 19 - Animals and Plants19 - Animals and Plants
Expand 20 - Maps, Charts and Plans20 - Maps, Charts and Plans
Expand 21 - Photographs21 - Photographs
Expand 22 - Books22 - Books

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