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Collapse RHS - Ramsbottom Heritage SocietyRHS - Ramsbottom Heritage Society
Expand 1 - RHS Papers1 - RHS Papers
Collapse 2 - Industry2 - Industry
Expand 1 - Mills1 - Mills
Expand 2 - Bleachworks2 - Bleachworks
Expand 3 - Chemical Works3 - Chemical Works
Expand 4 - Stone Quarries4 - Stone Quarries
Expand 5 - Saw Mills5 - Saw Mills
Expand 6 - Engineering Works6 - Engineering Works
Expand 7 - Soap Making7 - Soap Making
Collapse 8 - Miscellaneous Industry8 - Miscellaneous Industry
Expand 1 - Cinder Hill Bloomery and Ironworks, Cinder Hill, Holcombe Moor1 - Cinder Hill Bloomery and Ironworks, Cinder Hill, Holcombe Moor
Expand 2 - Lawrence Stead & Brother, Ramsbottom2 - Lawrence Stead & Brother, Ramsbottom
Expand 3 - TNT United Kingdom Limited.3 - TNT United Kingdom Limited.
Expand 4 - Metcalf Bros. (Ramsbottom) Limited, Prince Street, Ramsbottom.4 - Metcalf Bros. (Ramsbottom) Limited, Prince Street, Ramsbottom.
Expand 5 - F D Sims Limited, Hazelhurst Works, Ramsbottom.5 - F D Sims Limited, Hazelhurst Works, Ramsbottom.
Collapse 6 - General Miscellaneous Industry6 - General Miscellaneous Industry
1 - Letter to 'Employees Serving With The Forces' from The Bradford Dyers' Association Limited'.
2 - Selection of purchase invoices addressed to T Robinson & Company Limited
3 - Brief company history of Edward Turnbull & Company Limited.
4 - Company profile of A J & L Taylor Limited, Thorpe Street Ramsbottom, makers of quality organ parts.
5 - Company profile of Cottage Pine, 28 Bridge Street, Ramsbottom.
6 - Company profile of Cormar Carpets.
7 - Company profile of A Clayton, pattern maker of Paradise Street, Ramsbottom.
8 - Company profile of Siandratti Furniture, manufacturers of wrought iron furniture and gates.
9 - Letter from Joe Hitchon (to Ramsbottom Heritage Society member) giving personal recollections of mills in the Ramsbottom area
10 - Newspaper cutting, source unknown, regarding ocean-going yacht called 'Sentinel', made at engineering works in Square Street, Ramsbottom
11 - Booklet entitled 'Early Recollections of Industrial Radcliffe' by Herbert Barlow
12 - Collection of papers describing phases in history of Fielden Brothers Limited 1782-1959
13 - The Kenyon Tradition', the history of James Kenyon & Son Limited 1664-1964 by Augustus Muir
14 - Typed notes regarding the Kenyon family and James Kenyon & Son Limited.
15 - Exhibition notes relating to technical description of warp and weft in 2 examples of material manufacture.
16 - Samples of Prestwich Regatta uniform fabric
17 - Record cards of women members of Weavers & Winders Union, Ramsbottom Branch
18 - Weavers & Winders Union, Ramsbottom Branch. Insurance/Union dues collection book, signed Yearly by J Riley until Nov 1952.
19 - Probably wages book, source unknown.
20 - Extracts from wages book of Ashton's, probably of Ramsbottom Mill.
21 - Contributions record of Jessie Gregg to Ramsbottom Weavers, Winders & Warpers Association, Ramsbottom Office.
22 - Rules of The General Union of Associations of Loom Overlookers
23 - Handbook of The General Union of Associations of Loom Overlookers
24 - Letter and transcription. From the Cotton Factory Times to Mr W Johns giving details of number of looms and spindles in Lancashire in various years 1882-1914
25 - British Standard Specification 3153: 'Finishing Properties of Cotton Furnishing fabrics (for curtains and loose covers)'.
26 - British Standard 4326: 'Descriptions of Woven Textiles (excluding wool) for use in the Finishing Trade.
27 - Pamphlet 'The Cotton Kingdom': produced by BBC TV / English Tourist Board relating to television series first broadcast Apr 1984
28 - Leaflet 'Cotton Textile Manufacturing Part 2' produced by The International Institute for Cotton
29 - Extracts from unidentified book describing in words and pictures, working hours and conditions of workers, especially women and children, in the cotton industry.
30 - A Vocabulary of technical terms used in the Textile and Related Industries': English; French; German, produced by Imperial Chemical industries limited
31 - Textile Worker' by Sarah Cox, (with photographs by Robert Golden) describing manufacturing process from raw cotton to finished cloth.
32 - Technical specifications of machinery produced by The British Northrop Loom Company Limited, Daisyfield, Blackburn.
33 - Certificate recording admittance of Edward Greenhalgh into the General Union of Associations of Power Loom Overlookers
34 - Certificate recording admittance of William H Bladen into the General Union of Associations of Loom Overlookers
35 - Rules to be Observed in the Power loom Manufactory of W & R Turner, Helmshore 1836' ; published by Lancashire Museum.
36 - Poster from Waterfoot Mill nr. Haslingden 'Rules to be Observed by the Hands Employed in this Mill'
37 - Ramsbottom. The Growth of an Industrial Community 1760-1897. Susan Duckworth 1990s Printed copy and floppy disk 738
38 - Ramsbottom. The Growth of an Industrial Community 1760-1897. Susan Duckworth 1990s Manuscript copy. Packaged in two folders 738
39 - Joseph Strang Princes Foundry, includes photograph of lintel from Foundry building and 2 photographs of Joseph Strang lampposts, one at Central St. Ramsbottom and one at Rake Fold, Ramsbottom.
40 - Small photograph and text relating to Hambleton's Removals and Storage, Garden Street, Ramsbottom
41 - Photograph and short text relating to former T and J Foster builders yard, Kenyon Street, Ramsbottom
42 - Lancashire Electric Power Company, Paradise Street, Ramsbottom. 2 photocopies of photographs of exterior of building and short text.
43 - 3 photographs and short text relating to The Smithy, 8 Spring Street, Ramsbottom, belonging to G W Clayton
44 - Pages from John Spencer (Hazelhurst) Ltd textile sample book
Expand 7 - J&J Whittaker Haulage Contractors7 - J&J Whittaker Haulage Contractors
Expand 3 - Shops, Restaurants and Hotels3 - Shops, Restaurants and Hotels
Expand 4 - Finance and Trade4 - Finance and Trade
Expand 5 - Education5 - Education
Expand 6 - Religion6 - Religion
Expand 7 - Government and Politics7 - Government and Politics
Expand 8 - History8 - History
Expand 9 - People and Family9 - People and Family
Expand 10 - Oral History10 - Oral History
Expand 11 - Health and Welfare11 - Health and Welfare
Expand 12 - Customs and Traditions12 - Customs and Traditions
Expand 13 - Community Organisations13 - Community Organisations
Expand 14 - Leisure14 - Leisure
Expand 15 - War15 - War
Expand 16 - Transport16 - Transport
Expand 17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment
Expand 18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment
Expand 19 - Animals and Plants19 - Animals and Plants
Expand 20 - Maps, Charts and Plans20 - Maps, Charts and Plans
Expand 21 - Photographs21 - Photographs
Expand 22 - Books22 - Books

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