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Collapse 4 - The Bennion Collection4 - The Bennion Collection
1 - Map of Bury in 1696, a reconstruction drawn by Rita Hirst
2 - Map of Parliamentary Borough of Bury 1831
3 - Map of the Town of Bury 'from actual survey completed in 1845'
4 - Bury Place Name Database Records. Gives: place or street name; O.S. grid reference; source of information; area of Bury
5 - Typewritten article entitled 'Bury as it Never Was'. Author not stated
6 - Plan and drawing of Bury Art Gallery and Public Library, 1897
7 - Draft article entitled ' Bury Library; A History ' by Alan ?, sent to Bill Bennion for editorial or factual comment
8 - Handwritten notes relating to the Allen family of Redvales by Bill Bennion
9 - Handwritten notes relating to 2 descendents of the Allen family of Redvales
10 - Handwritten notes entitled ' Peel and the Bury Connection ' .
11 - Handwritten notes entitled ' Character of Sir Robert Peel 1750-1830 '
12 - Foreword to first issue of the Bury Local History Society Journal by W M Bennion, Chairman, with articles about 4 Bury eminent people
13 - Handwritten notes regarding 4 articles referred to in RHS/8/2/4/12
14 - Chronology of local Charles Dickens connections 1838-1938
15 - Handwritten notes relating to family tree of John Jackson 1835-1905, Huntsman to Holcombe Harriers, Source unknown
16 - Federation of Local History Societies in the Metropolitan Borough of Bury: minutes of committee meeting in Radcliffe Library
17 - Extract from unknown book entitled ' The Unsworth Dragon and its Lessons. Relates to killing of a dragon by Thomas Unsworth of Goschen.
18 - Extract from Bury Historical Review entitled ' Bury Folklore ' by Charlotte S Burne, President of the Folklore Society
19 - Typewritten notes regarding local witchcraft by W Hewitson
20 - Newspaper extract from Bolton Evening News regarding Mr John Myers of Ainsworth with his stories of Ainsworth village
21 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times Junior Readers Club relating to' the Cockey Moor snake'
22 - Booklet entitled 'Richmal Crompton Lamburn 1890-1969' Anon.
23 - Booklet entitled 'Richmal Crompton 1890-1969' produced by Bury Metro Events and Promotions
24 - Letter from C R N Walker to Bill Bennion enclosing his notes to accompany the 'Guided Tour of Medieval Bury'
25 - Notes to accompany a talk entitled 'From the old to the new'. Refers to 4 Bury-born emigrants who settled in North America.
26 - From Toronto Public library to Mr William M Bennion: newspaper and book extracts, photographs and information relating to Charles Rupert Sanderson
27 - Notes to accompany talk about the 'Hutchinson papers' with handwritten notes relating to the Hutchinson family of Bury.
28 - Notes to accompany talk about 'Old Bury'
29 - Notes to accompany talk about 'The Art Gallery, the Museum Service and the Library Service'
30 - Notes regarding exhibits in Bury Art Gallery
31 - Notes to accompany talk to Heywood Probus Group about the Heywood area
32 - Extract from book concerning the 'Proclamation of King Charles II in 1660'. Source not stated
33 - List of other items in the Bennion collection which have been catalogued elsewhere in the Ramsbottom Heritage Society collection.
Expand 3 - Edenfield3 - Edenfield
Expand 4 - Greenmount4 - Greenmount
Expand 5 - Holcombe and Holcombe Brook5 - Holcombe and Holcombe Brook
Expand 6 - Nuttall6 - Nuttall
Expand 7 - Ramsbottom7 - Ramsbottom
Expand 8 - Shuttleworth8 - Shuttleworth
Expand 9 - Summerseat9 - Summerseat
Expand 10 - Stubbins10 - Stubbins
Expand 11 - Tottington11 - Tottington
Expand 12 - Items about Rossendale12 - Items about Rossendale
Expand 13 - Turn Village13 - Turn Village
14 - Whitelow Hill, Walmersley
Expand 9 - People and Family9 - People and Family
Expand 10 - Oral History10 - Oral History
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