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Collapse RHS - Ramsbottom Heritage SocietyRHS - Ramsbottom Heritage Society
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Expand 5 - Holcombe and Holcombe Brook5 - Holcombe and Holcombe Brook
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Collapse 7 - Ramsbottom7 - Ramsbottom
Expand 1 - Publications regarding Ramsbottom1 - Publications regarding Ramsbottom
Expand 2 - Trade Directories2 - Trade Directories
Collapse 3 - Newspaper and Magazine cuttings3 - Newspaper and Magazine cuttings
1 - Extract from book, source unknown regarding history of Ramsbottom
2 - Extract from 'Lancashire life' entitled 'Terraced Togetherness'
3 - Extracts from 'Lancashire Life' showing drawings of Ramsbottom
4 - Extract from 'Lancashire Life' entitled 'The Town that Grant built'
5 - Newspaper cutting source unknown showing Grants Arms, Ramsbottom
6 - Newspaper cutting, source unknown, entitled 'Dear Martha ... Love Ruth' who was writing from Ramsbottom 1912-1916
7 - 'Then & Now' pictures of Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom
8 - 'Then & Now' pictures of Stubbins Lane, Ramsbottom
9 - 'Then & Now' pictures of Bridge Street, Ramsbottom
10 - Extract from Bury Times 'Turning back the Clock' about Ramsbottom Rifle Band
11 - Extract from Bury Times 'Bury From A Balloon' showing construction of Broad Hey housing development, with Summerseat in background.
12 - Extract from Bury Times 'Bury From A Balloon' showing central Ramsbottom
13 - Extract from Bury Times 'Bury From A Balloon' showing Ramsbottom Railway Station
14 - Extract from Bury Times 'Bury From A Balloon' showing Railway line adjacent to Ramsbottom Cricket Club Acre Bottom site
15 - Extract from Bury Times showing aerial view of Woodhey and Bolton Road West areas.
16 - Extract from Bury Times showing aerial view looking towards Summerseat from Longsight Road
17 - Extract from Manchester Evening News showing aerial colour photograph of Whittingham Drive / Broad Hey Estate
18 - Extract from Bury Times showing aerial photograph of Central Ramsbottom
19 - Newspaper extract, source unknown picturing interior of St Paul's, Ramsbottom with informative text
20 - Extract from Bury Times showing view from Helmshore Road towards Acre Bottom, Peel Brow, Bury New Road and Quarry
21 - Ramsbottom Observer
22 - Front and back pages of Ramsbottom Observer
23 - Ramsbottom, Holcombe, Tottington News & Advertiser
24 - Newspaper extract from Rossendale Free Press regarding publication of booklets by Catherine McCarthy 'Memories of Nuttall Village' and Ramsbottom in the 1920s'
25 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times regarding publication of a book 'A Ramsbottom Childhood Long Ago' by Margaret Ferguson
26 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times showing snowy conditions in Ramsbottom
27 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times regarding survey by Nature Conservancy Council about ancient woodland in Ramsbottom Area
28 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times relating to Ramsbottom Dunkirk Veterans Association march
29 - Newspaper cutting Rossendale Free Press regarding 'Lantern Walk through Ramsbottom'
30 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times 'Looking Back' regarding bonfire in Ramsbottom circa 1938. Picture with named children
31 - Newspaper extract from Bury Times 'Rambling Around Ramsbottom No.2 in an occasional series of walks'
32 - Newspaper extracts from Bury Times relating to Dickensian Sunday Markets in Ramsbottom
33 - Newspaper extracts from Bury Times regarding Victorian Event in Ramsbottom
34 - Newspaper extract from Rossendale Free Press regarding switch-on of floodlights at Peel Monument, Holcombe
35 - Ramsbottom 1806 to 2006
36 - The One Man Tourist Board
37 - "Town of Character"
38 - The Birth of a town
39 - Ramsbottom has nothing to do with sheep
40 - Ramsbottom
41 - The Six' get a new borough image
Expand 4 - General4 - General
Expand 8 - Shuttleworth8 - Shuttleworth
Expand 9 - Summerseat9 - Summerseat
Expand 10 - Stubbins10 - Stubbins
Expand 11 - Tottington11 - Tottington
Expand 12 - Items about Rossendale12 - Items about Rossendale
Expand 13 - Turn Village13 - Turn Village
14 - Whitelow Hill, Walmersley
Expand 9 - People and Family9 - People and Family
Expand 10 - Oral History10 - Oral History
Expand 11 - Health and Welfare11 - Health and Welfare
Expand 12 - Customs and Traditions12 - Customs and Traditions
Expand 13 - Community Organisations13 - Community Organisations
Expand 14 - Leisure14 - Leisure
Expand 15 - War15 - War
Expand 16 - Transport16 - Transport
Expand 17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment
Expand 18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment
Expand 19 - Animals and Plants19 - Animals and Plants
Expand 20 - Maps, Charts and Plans20 - Maps, Charts and Plans
Expand 21 - Photographs21 - Photographs
Expand 22 - Books22 - Books

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