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Expand 1 - Ashton family1 - Ashton family
Expand 2 - Duckworth families2 - Duckworth families
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Collapse 4 - Haworth family4 - Haworth family
1 - Accounts for division of estate of Mrs Ellen Haworth deceased
2 - Particulars and Conditions of Sale (and Draft) of various houses and shops in Square Street, Back Silver Street, Smithy Street, Back Silver Street and Garden Street, Ramsbottom
3 - Notice of Auction by Mr Ralph Greenwood at the Railway Hotel Ramsbottom regarding estate of Ellen Haworth deceased
4 - Plan marked 'A' relating to Richard Ball Alice's Farm, George's Lane
5 - Plan marked 'B' relating to plots of land adjacent to Moss Lane / Brand Heald
6 - Draft Surrender of Buildings and premises in Bridge Street and Garden Street Ramsbottom, Trustees of the will of Ellen Haworth to Richard Haworth Worsley
7 - Application for Grant of Probate to Liverpool District Registry in estate of Ellen Haworth
8 - Table showing beneficiaries of Ellen Haworth deceased entitled to share in the residue to Alice Pilkington (nee Worsley)
9 - Letter from Mary Worsley to Mr John Hatch, auctioneer, regarding valuations together with valuation of specified jewellery
10 - Letter from Lavinia Worsley of Montgomery County, USA to her cousin giving names of her relatives
11 - Note of Funeral expenses and rents collected
12 - Particulars of Sale of Shares at auction by Mr Ralph Greenwood at the Railway Hotel, Ramsbottom for Ellen Haworth deceased
13 - Statement of Accounts: Exors of Ellen Haworth deceased.
14 - Letter from John Turner & Co regarding shares, together with papers relating to collection of rents
15 - Special Admittance regarding plot of land, Bridge Street, Ramsbottom
16 - Inland Revenue forms regarding details of various pecuniary bequests: estate of Ellen Haworth deceased
17 - Acknowledgement of transfer of shares to John Duckworth
18 - Special Admittance regarding land, houses and premises at Garden Street, Ramsbottom
19 - Codicil to Will of Ellen Haworth
20 - Marriage Certificate of Harry Worsley and Mary Yates of Ramsbottom at Parish Church, Bury
21 - List of Children of Thomas Worsley of Haslingden, written by Susannah Duckworth (nee Worsley), confectioner of George street, Haslingden
22 - Plan of property at Square Street, Silver Street and Garden Street, Ramsbottom belonging to Trustees of late Mrs E Haworth
23 - Particulars of Sale of Shares in Southport Tramways Limited
24 - Synopsis of Will of Ellen Haworth deceased
25 - Table of Legatees of Ellen Haworth deceased
26 - Observations and requisitions on Title, with answers concerning sale Turner to Sutcliffe
27 - Draft Surrender on sale of premises at Square Street, Back Silver street and Smithy Street, Ramsbottom
28 - Copy of 2nd Codicil to will of Ellen Haworth
29 - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Shares to be sold at auction to be held on 17 Jul 1890
30 - Schedule of title deeds, securities and documents, Ellen Haworth deceased
31 - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Shares in Southport Tramways Company Limited to be sold at auction at the Albany galleries, Lord Street, Southport on 25 Apr 1890
32 - Corrective Affidavit in connection with Stamp Duties on Probate: Ellen Haworth deceased
33 - Draft Account for Division re estate of Ellen Haworth deceased
34 - Draft declaration of Alice Hindle
35 - Duty calculation in respect of money and real legacies. Letter from Legacy and Succession Duty Office.
36 - Instructions for will of Mrs Ellen Haworth of 40 Alma Road, Birkdale, widow.
37 - Draft Declaration of James Henry Worsley of 103 Ainsworth Road, Elton, Bury
38 - Inland Revenue form re Pecuniary Beneficiary
39 - Statement of Executors' Accounts: Ellen Haworth deceased
40 - Copy Plan of Surrender relating to premises on Bridge Street, Ramsbottom belonging to Thomas Ashton and others
41 - Application for Grant of Probate of will of Ellen Haworth deceased
42 - Plan of premises at Bridge Street / Garden Street and Square Street / Smithy Street, Ramsbottom
43 - Letter informing names of children of Alice Pilkington deceased
44 - Declaration of Thomas Worsley
45 - Receipt from Liverpool Probate Registry in respect of Duty and Fees totalling £97-6s-6d.
46 - Plan of property in Garden Street, Ramsbottom
47 - Particulars and Conditions of Sale of Shares in: The United Breweries Company, Liverpool, Limited; The Haslingden Union Gas Company; The Ramsbottom Gas Company. To be sold at auction the Railway Hotel, Ramsbottom
Expand 5 - Holliday / Bradley families5 - Holliday / Bradley families
Expand 6 - Hoyle family6 - Hoyle family
Expand 7 - Kay families7 - Kay families
Expand 8 - Knowles family8 - Knowles family
Expand 9 - Porritt family9 - Porritt family
Expand 10 - Pringle family10 - Pringle family
Expand 11 - Rostron family11 - Rostron family
Expand 12 - Turnbull family12 - Turnbull family
Expand 13 - Turner family13 - Turner family
Expand 14 - Greenhalgh family14 - Greenhalgh family
Expand 15 - Other Local People15 - Other Local People
16 - John Barcroft and descendants 1782-2012
Expand 17 - The Gray Family17 - The Gray Family
18 - The Smiths of Nuttall
19 - The Chapmans of Stubbins
20 - Barcelona and Back: David Greenhalgh 1809-1871
Expand 2 - Cards and Certificates2 - Cards and Certificates
Expand 3 - Biographies, Obituaries & Wills3 - Biographies, Obituaries & Wills
Expand 4 - Reminiscences4 - Reminiscences
Expand 10 - Oral History10 - Oral History
Expand 11 - Health and Welfare11 - Health and Welfare
Expand 12 - Customs and Traditions12 - Customs and Traditions
Expand 13 - Community Organisations13 - Community Organisations
Expand 14 - Leisure14 - Leisure
Expand 15 - War15 - War
Expand 16 - Transport16 - Transport
Expand 17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment17 - Buildings and the Urban Environment
Expand 18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment18 - Agriculture and the Natural Environment
Expand 19 - Animals and Plants19 - Animals and Plants
Expand 20 - Maps, Charts and Plans20 - Maps, Charts and Plans
Expand 21 - Photographs21 - Photographs
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